How to Inspire the People Around You
Don't think you're a leader? Think again! Whether you're raising children, mentoring a colleague, or simply trying to motivate your running group, you're probably leading more often than you realize. That's why I'm excited to share insights from my conversation with Adam Galinsky, a professor at Columbia Business School and author of Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others, who reveals how we can all become more inspiring in these everyday leadership moments.
Here's your companion guide to the episode, “How to Inspire the People Around You,” on The Happiness Lab:
10 Science-Backed Strategies to Inspire the People Around You
1: Express More Praise Than You Think You Should. As leaders, our words get amplified. A simple "great job" from someone in a leadership position can have an unexpectedly powerful impact. Even better? Expressing gratitude makes both the giver and receiver happier. A simple thank-you email that takes a couple minutes to write can leave a lasting impression. Bonus points for expressing the praise in writing, which lets the receiver savor the message afterwards.
2: Develop a Vision. Just like a load of laundry makes more sense when you know what you're sorting, people need context to understand their actions. Try creating a simple catchphrase that captures your vision — Adam and his wife use "my bags are packed for you" to signal unwavering support.
3: Connect with Your Values. Keep your core values front and center. Adam carries a laminated card with his values in his pocket — a simple reminder that helps ground his decisions in what matters most. At Columbia Business School, this practice has become institutionalized: all of Adam’s students create a values hierarchy and receive a laminated card to carry with them. If you’re more digitally inclined, you can add your values to the Notes app on your phone and pin the note to the top of the page. Keeping our values in mind helps us stay motivated to reach our goals, whether we’re studying for a diploma or looking for a new job.
4: Become a Visionary with Time Travel. When we reflect on our lives and imagine all of the paths that we didn’t take but could have, our current path feels more meaningful and important. For example, a couple who met because they were both at the wrong restaurant might find their relationship more special when considering all the chance events that had to align for them to meet. Try it out: Imagine a "what if" scenario about one of your life choices — like a a relationship or your current job — and notice how this changes how you feel about your life circumstances.
5: To Inspire Others, We Need to Make Sure We’re Inspired. Through emotional contagion, our emotions (like our enthusiasm or passion) spread to others. When you're genuinely excited about something, that energy naturally inspires others. Leaders experience the “leadership amplification effect,” and so their emotions change from being contagious to being infectious.
6: Be Both Super and Human. The research shows that vulnerability is key to inspiring and connecting with others. When Adam shared that he almost got kicked out of grad school with his students, it helped them see that setbacks are normal and can be overcome. So don’t be afraid to share your mishaps with your colleagues or friends.
7: Tap into Your Power. Before important moments, try recalling a time when you felt confident and capable. Studies show that this simple power recall exercise can be helpful in many different contexts, from helping you sound more confident in job applications to calming you down before a presentation.
8: Give More Choices. Nobody likes being told what to do. Offering options — even simple ones — helps people feel more autonomous and engaged. Instead of demanding a task, offer different options to complete the task. It just might help grow the pie in your next negotiation or help your kid get dressed in the morning!
9: Share Credit Generously. Acknowledging others' contributions doesn't diminish your status — it enhances it. When leaders share credit, both parties end up more respected. As Adam says in the episode, people like people who are generous and share credit. Just remember, credit is not a zero sum game. Even in competitions, the finalists who credit their competitor for helping them are more likely to win from this status boost of their generosity.
10: Seek Out Downward Learning. The best leaders practice "downward learning" — actively seeking insights from people at all levels. Not only will you learn something from your mentees, but mentees rate “downward learning” mentors as more engaged and empathic. Consider asking yourself this question, “Think about a time recently when you learned something valuable from someone below you in the hierarchy.” Sometimes even a five-year-old can teach you something you never knew!
Want to dive deeper into how to be inspiring? Listen to my full conversation with Adam on The Happiness Lab.